Pre-order Domain names
Boost your margins with the perfect domain name.
Trademark Holder
Sunrise Period: Registration is available only to verified trademark holders. This is the first opportunity for anyone to register a new domain.

To register a domain, you must have your trademark(s) validated by the Trademark Clearinghouse. Once your trademark is approved, the TMCH will send an SMD file that you can use to complete your registration.
Priority Pre-Registration
Landrush Period: Priority Pre-Registration allows you to register domain names immediately after trademark holders and before the domain enters General Availability.

Early Access Program (EAP): Some New Domains can be Pre-Registered at varying price points, similar to an auction. The domain will be awarded to the registrant who Pre-Registers at the highest price point. EAP Pre-Registrations will be fully refunded if we are unable to secure the domain, or if someone else registers at a higher price point.
Pre-Registration takes place after the Sunrise and Landrush periods. We will attempt to reserve a specific domain name for you before it reaches General Availability, similar to a backorder.

Pre-Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. You will receive a full refund if we are unable to secure the domain name for you.

Pre-Registration is available to everyone—there are no trademark requirements.
Domain Dropcatch
Every day, thousands of valuable domain names were released by registry to public for re-registration. It is the best chance to grab your desired domain names now as you did not have the chance before. We welcome domain investor, domain reseller cooperate with us. Please contact your account manager for pending deletion list and more information.
To pre-order your perfect domain name
Domain name:
Your name:
Your E-mail address:
Authentication: change
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1998-2025 OnlineNIC is an ICANN-accredited registrar. Please read our Privacy Policy, Service terms , and Dispute Policy