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Dear Partner,
There have been new updates on our Restful API and we’d like to share them with you!
· All types of certificates orders support 3 Domain validation ways via API, Email, File, DNS.
· Get SSL Order List, you will get 2 more following fields in the response:
page: Page number, in what page data is displaying
pagesum: total pages
· getSSLOrderInfo, we add 1 following field in the response:
completedate: to view the date the order is completed.
· checkDomainDcv
This applies to Digicert products, RapidSSL, Geotrust DV, OV, EV and Secure Site OV, EV. If you want to verify Domain Control Validation instantly after you place order, please use this feature.
· changeDCVmethod
You may use call to change domain control validation method when order is pending.
Updates on SSL products,
We have divided True BusinessID into 3 products, True BusinessID, True BusinessID Wildcard, True BusinessID Multi-domain, and divided Secure Site into 3 products, Secure Site, Secure Site Wildcard, Secure Site Multi-domain. Please check following best practice,
To order True BusinessID and Secure Site for single domain name, please use product
ssl14 and ssl21.
To order True BusinessID and Secure Site for one or more Wildcard domain names, please use product True BusinessID wildcard (API product code ssl16) and Secure Site Wildcard (API product code ssl25); note that you could add up to 250 Wildcard domain names into SANs. For example, you want to protect *, *, * and other wildcard domain names in one single OV certificate, then you could use True BusinessID Wildcard (API product code ssl16) and Secure Site Wildcard (API product code ssl25).
To order True BusinessID and Secure Site for one or more mix of single and Wildcard domain names, please use product True BusinessID Wildcard (API product code ssl18) and Secure Site Multi-domain (API product code ssl26). For example, you want to protect,, *, * and other domain names in one single OV certificate, then you could use True BusinessID Multi-domain (API product code ssl18) and Secure Site Multi-domain (API product code ssl26).
Kindly use getSSLProductDetails call to view product details and/or view the following product type table.
Productid | productname | Type | Max validation | SAN Max | Is WildCard supported in Main domain? | Multi-domain(SAN) Supported? | Is Wildcard supported in SANs |
ssl14 | TrueBiz ID | OV | 2 | N/A | N | N | N |
ssl16 | TrueBiz ID Wildcard | OV | 2 | 250 | Y | Y | Y |
ssl18 | TrueBiz ID Multi-Domain | OV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | Y |
ssl15 | TrueBiz EV | EV | 2 | N | N | N | N |
ssl19 | TrueBiz ID EV Multi-Domain | EV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | N |
ssl21 | Secure Site | OV | 2 | N/A | N | N | N |
ssl25 | Secure Site Wildcard | OV | 2 | 250 | Y | Y | Y |
ssl26 | Secure Site Multi-Domain | OV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | Y |
ssl22 | Secure Site Pro | OV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | N |
ssl23 | Secure Site with EV | EV | 2 | N/A | N | N | N |
ssl27 | Secure Site EV Multi-Domain | EV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | N |
ssl24 | Secure Site Pro with EV | EV | 2 | 250 | N | Y | N |
For domain names,
· Domain Registration:
It supports IDN .com/.net registration now. “lang” parameter is required during API call if you want to register IDN .com/.net domain names.
· Domain WHOIS Verification
It allows you to verify its check verifying status of Whois and resend verification email.
Please locate API document in your reseller panel with details.
Should you have any inquiries in this regard, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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