.COM domain
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1. What does .CO mean (suffix)? What is the meaning of .CO? What is .CO in a web address?
Every website lives within a domain space such as .com, .net, .biz and others. Introduced to satisfy the need for short and memorable web addresses, .CO is a new domain extension that offers you a global option for branding your online presence.
.CO is already meaningful and recognizable in multiple languages and cultures.
It's the acronym for "company". For most people, the two letters – CO – are recognized as meaning company and/or corporation across the globe. Look around and someone near you is already using the letters CO in that context.
It's used in country-code domain extensions. More than 20 countries use .CO to mean company and/or commercial content in their websites (e.g. .co.uk, .co.in, .co.il, .co.jp, etc.). By adding a .CO domain to their online marketing strategy, country specific websites can now have a version of their site serving their global customers.
In other uses it has geographic meaning. CO means Colombia and it also means the State of Colorado in the USA.
1 According to a research study conducted by Penn, Schoen and Berland in 2009, out of 600 past and prospective domain registrants in the USA, more than 75% of respondents associated .CO with company, corporation, or other commercial endeavors.
It can be registered by any individual or business in any country. You can apply for a .cat domain if you belong to the Catalan cultural and linguistic community in the Internet.
3 to 63 characters.
1 to 5 years.
No, .CO can't be deleted and refunded after registration.
1 to 5 years.
OnlineNIC implements domain's lifecycle in accordance with ICANN's policy. You may also check the related article in our service term. Please understand that there is fee incurred to pull domain name from "Redemption Period", we call it redemption fee. The typical redemption fee is $120, but varies from each TLD. Please check and confirm it with our live support when you require such process.
Yes. The domain name will be extended for 1 year after transfer completion.
No, OnlineNIC doesn't provide IDN.co at the moment
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